Thursday, July 24, 2008


I just started this blog with the help of my friend Melissa.
The reason I named this bog Flamboyant Love is because God is Love and His love is Flamboyant. Think about it, His love is bold and elaborate. Who ever would think that the God of all eternity would create man and women in His image, Knowing that we would sin. In the beginning His plan was to send His only Begotten Son in His likeness to save us. WOW... how cool is that!
Although His love is not always flamboyant, His love is whatever we need most at the time, not always what we want.
God created flamboyant colors like my favorite green, pink and green (to which I love), flowers like Roses, Stare Gazer Lilies and Bird of Paradise, animals like Parrots and {eacocks. He also created mountains, oceans, the sky, stares, the sun and He hand pants sunsets every night sunsets.